Direct Mail Finds Revived Power With Multi-Channel Marketing

In today's digital environment, focused on delivering the right…

Do You Have a 2017 Strategy for Cross-Device Marketing?

With mobile now a key platform for digital display ad, social…

2017 Event Marketing: Social, Visual & Data-Focused

Event professionals can look forward to some exciting new marketing…

Study: Brands Fail to Recognize Customers Across Channels

Just 9% of marketers say they can consistently recognize customers…

How Direct Mail Testing Factors Differ by Product Stage

Direct mail success is all about testing -- lists, offer, creative,…

2017 Multi-Channel Marketers Challenged by 3 Key Digital Trends

As this year's marketing gets underway, we want to alert marketers…

Ready for the Holiday Retail Season? Don't Miss Out on Mail Power

As retailers head into the holiday sales season and balance their…